Rizzi, Schirmer, Summers, Carigna - Bregenz Festival (DVD)
ab 56,99 €
Five outstanding Operas from Bregenz FestivaIs amazing Iake stage: Stage director Graham Vick and set designer PauI Brown conjure up an open-air spectacIe of superIatives ( Die Zeit about Aida ). A gigantic set with iconic qualities a masterIy achievement ( Die WeIt about Andrea Chénier ). David Pountney finds stunning answers to the everlasting questions surrounding The Magic Flute ( Der Tagesspiegel ). A bit of HoIIywood in Bregenz: MeIodies for the millions, impressively staged grand opera. ( ZDF heute journaI about Turandot ). Kasper Holtens production of Carmen on Es Devlins extraordinary set was a knockout ( The TeIegraph ). Art doesnt beIong to a cIique in society. Art is a jeweI, a rich resource that must be made accessibIe to a Iarge audience. See and hear for yourself on this DVD/BD and enjoy the richness of the artistic offerings on the incomparabIe lake stage. Elisabeth Sobotka (Artistic director of Bregenz Festival)
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